Bloomsdale Spinach Seeds
The classic reliable spinach with dark-green, thickly crinkled leaves. Slow-bolting and heavy-yielding. Frost tolerant. Spinach, with buttery nutritious leaves and cold hardiness, will never go out of style. It prefers late summer weather as it changes into fall, when days gradually become shorter and the sun rises lower in the sky. Spring plantings are best for baby leaf production as the plants tend to bold quickly with lengthening, hotter days. For best results in spring, over-winter small fall planted spinach plants. They will begin to grow again in late winter and early spring for a tasty harvest.

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Explore our collection of heirloom vegetable seeds, and save money on your next garden! Non-GMO seeds shipped directly to your door, with free shipping.
Justin from Fairmont, WV
Best green beans hands down!
Feedback received 12/18/2021
Valarie from Lincoln, NE
Thank you, fast ship and quality seeds clearly labeled. I appreciate the professionalism. Will order again
Feedback received 12/15/2021
William from San Benito, TX
Fast shipping! Quality Product! Great Price!
Feedback received 12/07/2021